Mobile Application ○ Accedia ○ 2016
Sofia, Bulgaria
My Role:
UX/UI Designer
1 week (2016)
This simple application was part of a company initiative to improve office conditions. The development of the interface took place in about a week in my spare time during office hours. With the help of two other engineers in the team, we designed a simple interface that met the simple conditions of the application.
This app is available for android users in the company and the simple and intuitive design allows users to book slots with minimum effort.

The ARM is an event management application powered by Accedia. It is designed to help the team easily reserve a time slot for one of the gaming items in the office such as Xbox, fuss ball, or table tennis.
The application helps to manage and track events through a simple interface. The interactions and design are simple and effective. The user can browse through all events and available timeslot, create, join or edit existing events with no more than a click or two. The app facilitates ongoing communication, eliminates activity clashes, and helps keep the team more focused on daily tasks.